"If you're looking for a 'perfect' couple to be a mentor, as you prepare for the most beautiful and important commitment in your life, you've come to the wrong place. We are far from perfect! However, we have been a witness to the power of an attitude that builds on positive progress, and does not demand perfection. While Jesus encourages us to "be perfect, just as your heavenly Father is perfect" (Mat 5:48), we won't be truly perfect until we enter Heaven. We can, however, progress toward Christian perfection through steady growth in holiness and grace."
-- Quote from Fr. Robert Hater, Imperfect Holy Family
In Familiaris Consortio JPII writes: "Young married couples should learn to accept willingly, and make good use of, the discrete, tactful and generous help offered by other couples that already have more experience of married and family life… Animated by a true apostolic spirit, this assistance from family to family will constitute one of the simplest, most effective and most accessible means for transmitting from one to another those Christian values which are both the starting point and goal of all pastoral care. Thus young families will not limit themselves merely to receiving, but in their turn, having been helped in this way, will become a source of enrichment for other longer established families, through their witness of life and practical contribution.”